• 电影一起在一起

    出演:帕蒂·哈里森 艾德·赫尔姆斯 赵家玲 蒂姆·夏普 诺拉·邓恩 弗雷德·迈拉麦德 泰格·诺塔洛 胡里奥·托雷斯 伊万·乔尼凯特 苏芙·布莱德肖 乔·费尔斯通 David Chattam 海蒂·门德兹 埃伦·杜宾 梅·卡拉美维 塔克·斯莫尔伍德 特丽·霍约斯 安娜·康克尔 凯特琳·金博尔 


    情节:  中年单身程序设计师马特决定要当父亲,通过面试找到26岁的咖啡店服务生安娜代孕生子。安娜因与家人关系僵化,搬至旧金山,她希望通过代孕能获得供自己完成学业的钱。在孕期马特积极介入安娜的生活,事无巨细,安娜也逐渐接受马特的亲密,彼此敞开心扉,建立了一段不太寻常的友谊。

  • 动漫少年安乐死

    出演:玛莉亚·班福德 乔·费尔斯通 毕比·诺维尔什 Tim Robinson 约旦·卡洛斯 Cesili Williams 


    情节:  Set in near-future inland Florida, Teenage Euthanasia centers around the owners of Tender Endings funeral home, the Fantasy Family: Grandma Baba, her adult children Uncle Pete and Trophy, and Trophy's teenage daughter, Euthanasia ("Annie"), a name accidentally given to her during the time of Trophy's own unbearable suffering. Back when Trophy was a teen herself; she ran away from home after giving birth to Annie, leaving her newborn to be raised by Baba and Uncle Pete. Now, 15 years later, Trophy returns to Tender Endings...as a corpse, for burial. When a bolt of lightning strikes Baba's homemade embalming fluid and one of Annie's tears, Trophy comes back from the dead. As a resurrected woman, Trophy has a variety of quasi-useful death powers. But more importantly, she has a second chance at unplanned parenthood.

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