• 动漫机动战士高达 THE ORIGIN Ⅳ 命运前夜

    出演:池田秀一 早见沙织 古谷彻 柿原彻也 潘惠美 浦山迅 银河万丈 三宅健太 渡边明乃 喜山茂雄 一条和矢 松田健一郎 土屋利秀 坂口候一 福圆美里 古川登志夫 新井里美 坂东尚树 中博史 楠见尚己 茅野爱衣 白熊宽嗣 志贺克也 杉村宪司 福田贤二 进藤尚美 落合弘治 小松史法 大西健晴 高阶俊嗣 滨野大辉 铃木晴久 木岛隆一 关俊彦 前野智昭 津田英三 田中真弓 大塚明夫 

    导演:安彦良和 今西隆志 

    情节:  After the Dawn Rebellion, Char travels to Earth and meets a girl with mysterious powers named Lalah Sune.  Meanwhile, Amuro's father Tem Ray is working on the RX-78 development project. Learning of the defection of Doctor Minovsky, a key figure in Zeon mobile suit development, he heads for the moon. History's first battle between mobile suits unfolds in the twilight zone of the lunar surface.  Then comes Universal Century 0079. Side 3, the space city furthest from the Earth, launches a war of independence against the Earth Federation government under the name of the Principality of Zeon.  An era of violent upheaval begins, in which half of the total human population will be killed...

  • 动漫圣石小子

    出演:关智一 川澄绫子 铃木晶子 森久保祥太郎 志贺克也 菊池正美 保志总一朗 田中总一郎 雪野五月 关俊彦 冈野浩介 井泽诗织 室园丈裕 

    导演:渡部高志 则座诚 福岛宏之 吉田俊司 大庭秀昭 新留俊哉 上坪亮树 平向智子 清水明 

    情节:  远古时代,掌管古世界的邪恶魔石「DB」在现代的这个世界上,再度的苏醒了!!为了要拯救全人类,神明派了一位使者来到世上,而且是个能够使用圣石「RAVE」的少年!  居住在车库岛的哈鲁,与姊姊凯特蕾雅一同过着平静的生活。但是自从偶然钓起一只不明生物——普鲁之后,身边便发生了一连串的事件。为了找寻真相,哈鲁决定离开小岛,前往未知的世界……

  • 热播影视



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