• 电影审判2021

    出演:费德贾·范·胡艾特 约里克·范·韦杰宁根 Lies Visschedijk Mark Kraan George Tobal 波吉·弗兰森 Marike Mingelen 巴特·克莱文 Leon Voorberg Ortál Vriend Jasper van Overbrugge Pauline Greidanus Ad Knippels 休·史密特 Mads Wittermans 

    导演:Sander Burger 

    情节:  A Dutch TV journalist finds himself challenging the police, courts, and media as he attempts to uncover the truth about the controversial Deventer murder case.

  • 电影不安分的狗

    出演:胡丽叶塔·泽尔贝伯格 瓦莱里娅·洛伊丝 米涅娜·帕斯夸尔 Carlos Portaluppi Daniel Katz 


    情节:  賽巴斯,三十歲單身漢,有一隻八歲的愛犬相伴。只要他不在,狗狗就會頻頻哀鳴,引起鄰居抱怨,他只好帶著狗去上班,卻因此被公司開除,只能靠打零工度日,過著流浪犬般的人生。當神祕隕石撞擊地球,空氣被污染,離地一百二十公分以上的人,得要靠呼吸器才能行走。幸好賽巴斯早就超前部署,「魯」到沒在怕!他的魯蛇人生會因此而有所轉機嗎?  阿根廷導演安娜卡茲繼2007年成名作品《分手假期》後,再次以精準的影像語言、絕妙的台詞設計,施展冷調黑色幽默,結合末日感軟科幻,在黑白的荒唐人生中提煉一絲安慰。長達三年的拍攝期,正好遇上全球疫情,導演靈機一動,巧妙將大環境變動嵌入這則描繪青年無力感的哀歌,意外讓本片成為一則饒富深意的末世寓言。

  • 3.0


    出演:Verónica Langer Andrea Portal Alex Pimienta 

    导演:Amelia Eloisa 

    情节:  Adolescence can be tough, especially for young queer people who haven’t quite figured it out. We Will Never Belong charts one teenager’s quest for the truth with style and grace. Emi has recently discovered that her mother is in love with another woman, and Emi’s not handling it well. She retreats to the community, where she was born, to stay with her father and his new family and to spend time with her maternal grandmother. Things are much less confusing at her father’s, at least until her extremely intriguing stepsister shows up. Emi soon begins to understand why her mother living her life authentically was so difficult to face. With nuanced performances and gorgeous cinematography, We Will Never Belong deals with complicated family and identity issues, and does so with incredible thoughtfulness and care.

  • 热播影视



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