• 电影科拉多 西拉的到来

    出演:Luis Felipe Cortés Adriana Acosta Dunia Alexandra Uriel del Toro Ana González 

    导演:Rene Pereyra 

    情节:  It's the 1940's, in the dusty town of Torres Mochas, the feeling of exhilaration and anticipation spreads through the air. The arrival of the enigmatic American who is expected to marry the youngest of the 5 "Virgin Josefitas" is on everybody's mind.

  • 电影梦魇

    出演:Jonny Bjørkhaug Karoline Stemre Kim Kvamme 

    导演:Rene Bjerregaard 

    情节:  A young man slowly loses himself more and more into a dream world and his own nightmares. But what if the dreams are real?

  • 3.0


    出演:Henrique Ihjãc Krahô Raene Kôtô Krahô 

    导演:Renée Nader Messora 若昂·萨拉维扎 

    情节:  今天晚上,宁静笼罩着环绕村落的森林。人们入睡时,森林却醒来了。在巴西北部Krahô生活的年轻人Ihjãc自从父亲去世后就一直做噩梦。他在黑暗中行走,浑身是汗,每一个脚步都小心翼翼。突然间,一阵歌声从远方传来,穿越棕榈林。这是他去世的父亲正在召唤他。为了使父亲的灵魂能够得到安息,前往亡者的国度,他必须组织一场丧葬仪式。但Ihjãc 没有履行自己的职责并且拒绝成为一名萨满。他决定逃往城市,远离他的同胞与文化。但作为一名在巴西生活的土著人,他却不得不面对艰难的现实。

  • 2.0


    出演:让-路易·特兰蒂尼昂 罗伯特·瑞安 蕾雅·马萨利 奥尔多·雷 

    导演:René Clément 


  • 已完结


    出演:乔·格拉什 杰奎琳·麦根斯 Conchita Campbell 

    导演:Ira Steven Behr René Echevarria 

    情节:  "The 4400" tells the stories of 4,400 alien abductees after they are returned to earth. In the words of the executive producers, these are stories of people dealing with traumatic changes, driven by the mystery of what happened and why. Some of them have been affected in mysterious ways, and some will have certain abilities, both good and bad, so part of the drama will be watching them adjust to these changes within themselves.  The series kicks off with a ball of light sailing toward Earth, but rather than the expected catastrophic event, thousands of returned abductees are left with no memory of their otherworldly experiences. Each has been gone anywhere from a few months to several decades but hasn't aged a day.  在海滩事件——4400人被未来世界的人带走又送回来,披露后一年,世界发生了巨大的变化。经过一段紧张的医疗观测后,Tom回到了国家技术援助中心,由于能力有限,被派做文书工作。他最终保护了儿子,使其免受一个类似的政府研究,而且也为有希望重新过上正常的生活而激动。在事业方面,他也渴望再次同Diana合作,重新回到这个领域。Diana,在同一连串无能的搭档合作之后,最终找到毁掉公文让Tom重回岗位的办法,在此期间,她还正式收养了Maia。  其间,Richard,Lily,和他们的孩子——一个六个月大,不同寻常的孩子,仍然住在远离Jordan Collier的山间小屋里,过着粗茶淡饭的日子。Collier已经关掉了Arcadia Estates ,还有他的住宅,为这4400人建起了避难所,同时准备开“4400人中心”,在这儿,其他人可以深入到这4400人当中,自己去发掘4400人(的奥秘)。Collier在接触Lily的腹部之后,出现了有害的反应,Shawn治愈了他,之后他们就发展出亲密的父子关系。Collier成了Shawn的监护人,并利用他医治4400人中心的重要赞助人。  世人对4400人甚感好奇,于是关于他们的神秘能力的流言四处传播,公众态度分为两种,一种是包容他们,一种是畏惧他们。当4400人努力重新开始他们“被打断的生活”时,每个人都会在即将发生的事件中扮演关键角色…那些决定人类命运的事件。

  • 已完结


    出演:乔·格拉什 杰奎琳·麦根斯 Patrick John Flueger 

    导演:René Echevarria Scott Peters 

    情节:  60年来,“外星人劫持”事件屡有发生,但在2007年7月的一天,随着一颗彗星飞向地球,引起恐慌的撞击没有发生,却是4400个曾在不同年代被劫持的人一次性回归地球。经过一系列医疗观察,美国国土安全局计划安置他们,帮助他们回归社会,但是这些人身上逐渐开始显现出“特异功能”,他们中有的会意念治疗,有的有的可以“造梦”,有的能听到别人思想,但是对他们来说,如何继续生活下去才是最重要的,被“劫持”的一段时间似乎从他们生命中硬生生砍掉了,世界的变化令他们始料未及,仍有人在追寻“劫持”的真相,似乎有更大的使命在等待他们……

  • 7.0


    出演:David A. Lockhart Camille Montgomery 

    导演:Rene Perez 

    情节:  California gold rush, late 1800's: A gun slinging bounty hunter (Mortimer) travels deep into the mountains to find a deadly Apache warrior (Brother Wolf) who is wanted by the law. Along the way he passes through a gold mining Town. The miners help direct Mortimer to the Apache and send him on his way.  Mortimer enters the forest and begins to track the Apache. Back in town, the miners un-earth an ancient meteor. They use their pick axes to crack it open. A section of the meteor splits apart and spores explode out of it. The spore surround and infect the entire population of the mining camp. They are transformed into ravenous mutants.  After a vicious battle against the Apache warrior, Mortimer exits the forest with his prisoner in shackles. They hike back to the mining town to find them selves surrounded by a horde of blood thirsty mutants. Now Mortimer the gun slinger and Brother Wolf the Warrior must join together to survive the mutant hordes. What ensues is a bloodbath of horror for the Dead and the Damned.

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